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Passionate about drawing since childhood, Liliana Lorenzetti attended for four years a course at the School of Fine Arts in Vercelli, thus developing her artistic talent.
Her penchant for precision also found expression in the restoration of old paintings.
She started using colors self-taught, giving preference to acrylic ones, expanding her innate talent.
The study and the use of different techniques and subjects make Liliana Lorenzetti an eclectic artist on a constant search.

You can contact her using this account.


After scientific high school, Alberto Angelo Folcia started psychological studies, which led him to achieve in 2006 the three-year degree at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan. In his discussed thesis, he connected social psychology to his passion for computer science: “Social engineering and psychology: methods of attack and defense from persuasion techniques”.
He then undertook philosophical and theological studies at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, with a year of detachment (from August 2008 to August 2009) for an experience of spirituality, study, volunteer work in the Dominican Republic in close contact with the local population and other young people from various countries of Latin America. He concluded his theological studies in 2013 with the Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree achieved at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan. His thesis, written as part of the final exam, is on the biblical book of Ecclesiastes: “There is no gain! «How not to be stupid - as far as possible»”.

You can contact him using this account.


The main sources I consulted to write the posts are: the materials of the theological university courses I attended; La Bibbia di Gerusalemme, EDB, 200318; La Bibbia per la famiglia, San Paolo, 1993-1997; Nuovo dizionario enciclopedico illustrato della Bibbia, Piemme, 2005 (useful for the etymology of the prophets’ names); The Concise Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, D. J. A. Clines (Ed.), Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009. Da Adamo ad Abramo o l’errare dell’uomo. Lettura narrativa e antropologica della Genesi (I. Gen 1,1-12,4), André Wénin, EDB, 2008; La Bibbia e il problema delle origini, Franco Festorazzi, Paideia, 19672; Il sabato nella Bibbia, André Wénin, EDB, 2006; Isacco o la prova di Abramo. Approccio narrativo a Genesi 22, André Wénin, Cittadella, 2005; Giuseppe o l’invenzione della fratellanza. Lettura narrativa e antropologica della Genesi (IV. Gen 37-50), André Wénin, EDB, 2007. Evangelo e Vangeli. Quattro evangelisti, quattro Vangeli, quattro destinatari, Giuseppe Segalla, EDB, 1992; El evangelio según san Lucas, Augustin George, Verbo Divino, 1997; “Non potete servire Dio e Mammona” (Lc 16,13). Implicazioni dell’insegnamento di Gesù sull’uso del denaro, Patrizio Rota Scalabrini, in L’uomo spirituale e l’homo œconomicus. Il cristianesimo e il denaro, Glossa, 2013; San Paolo. L’Apostolo delle genti, Benedetto XVI, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2009; Lettere di Paolo, Bruno Maggioni e Franco Manzi (Eds.), Cittadella, 2007 (first reprint); La novità del sacerdozio di Cristo, Albert Vanhoye, in La civiltà cattolica, 3 gennaio 1998; La giustificazione in Paolo e in Giacomo, Romano Penna, in Rivista Biblica (XXX, 1982); Apocalisse, Claudio Doglio (Ed.), Edizioni Messaggero Padova, 2012.
Biblical quotes used in the posts are adapted from the text of the public domain New Heart English Bible (14th September 2014 edition), except for the Books of Tobit, Judith, Esther (Greek), the first book of the Maccabees, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Wisdom of Ben Sira and Daniel (adapted from the public domain World English Bible, 25th February 2015 edition). Any quote from other sources is reported in the text that contains it (English translation from Italian, with all the possible mistakes, is mine). I wrote every quote in italic and the most important parts of an article in bold. The signs [ ] mean I omitted some text or I added an explanatory note. The purpose of these articles and of the pictures with them is to interest the reader, in a simple and pleasant way, to the world of the Bible and its contents, not for profit. They can be therefore shared freely under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
The Gospel of the day at the top of this site is taken from
I thank all the friends who helped me in making this site possible.

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Gospel of the day
Mc 10,2-16.

The Pharisees approached and asked, "Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?" They were testing him. He said to them in reply, "What did Moses command you?" They repli...

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